
6 Mil Silage Covers

Silage Tarps A Best Use Guide 2021

At Kooima Ag, we have a large supply of 6 mil silage covers in stock in many different sizes. You can view all of our 6 mil silage cover sizes here. Judge the length and width of your pile to determine the size you need.

It is important to remember the seams should run up and over the pile. This will cause less stress on the seams allowing them to withstand the long duration they will be outside.

Six mil tarps will either run the width by the length, or the length by the width. When running the length by the width, you will pull the tarp up and over the pile, then you would pull it the long way. When running the width by the length, you run the length of the pile first, then pull up and over the pile. This will help ensure that your seams are running in the correct direction.

All of our 6 mil silage tarps have a heavy-duty core on them. This is good for sticking your forks into so they can be easily moved. These tarps are tightly rolled and wrapped as well making them easy to ship.

Our 6 mil silage covers have string, making them twice as strong as our 5 mil tarps. The added string will significantly reduce the number of punctures and rips in your tarp. If you are planning on using your tarp for more than a year, we highly recommend using the 6 mil tarps. These are the black and white tarps so you can choose which side should go up. Most often, people will place the white side up so the feed doesn’t get too hot as it would from the black. You may find a black-on-black protective layer on your 6 mil tarp.

If you would happen to get a rip or puncture in your tarp, we do offer silage cover tape. This tape comes in 3"x108" and 6"x108". This will allow you to keep your pile secure and reduce the amount of oxygen entering your pile. Before applying the tape, make sure the area is clean.

There are some key differences between the 5 mil silage tarps and the 6 mil silage tarps. The 5 mil tarps are white-on-black. These tarps are a little easier to stretch and can be punctured easier than the 6 mil. The 6 mil tarps are a lot harder to pull and are twice as puncture resistant. This will help to keep animals out of your pile or reduce punctures if the tarp is walked on. If you are wanting your silage cover that will last longer than a year, we highly recommend the 6 mil covers.

To find out more information about the different options of tarps, visit our silage tarp product page, email us at sales@KooimaAg.com, or call us at 800-522-8874.